Wednesday, May 14, 2014

News Flash

I literally cannot deal with the news anymore. It gets me more angry than anything to sit and watch it. It is sad that someone can't oppose a view without getting fined, hated on, or what have you for that view. It's sad in such a "Progressive" nation that we spend more time bashing each other than actually reporting news, making the world a better place etc. Honestly to me it's gotten old the constant debate between homosexual supporters and non-homosexual supporters. We quite literally have the SAME DEBATE every month at least once a month.  Honestly though, it's us (As Christians) fault. We spend more time discussing what we are against. More time belittling, hating, etc. on those who's ideas don't match with ours that we have caused our own problems. Here me, I will say it slower (As slow as you can in text)
 We. Are. The. Problem.
It isn't the homosexual agenda.
It isn't the muslims. 
It isn't Obama. 
It isn't social media. 
It isn't athetist. 
It isn't the lost. 
It isn't the government. 
It isn't the world. 
It isn't the methodist. 
...The baptist.
...The Nazarenes.
... The Presbretrines. 
It isn't the church down the street. 
It isn't your enemy. 
It is us. 

Why? You ask. Here's why:

1. Nobody knows what we stand for
     What do you stand for? Think about it. Was the first thing you though of Jesus? Or was it your political agenda? Was it pro-life instead of pro-choice? Was it your traditional views of marriage? Chances are if you are anything like me your mind instantly went to your political agenda then your denomination and how you could defend either if this question turn wrong. That's a problem. As Christians we should know that Christ wins. Our government is going to fall. Our dominance as a religion in this country is going to fall. However in the end, Christ reigns on. So shouldn't our stance be for Jesus and His ways rather than arguing to the death pointless stuff. Shouldn't our ideals be to love people who differ from us in such a way that they have no choice but you investigate further what pushes that much love inside of us?

2. We stink of hate
     I love every once in awhile playing the devils advocate on Facebook. I like coming off as if I am going to bring in another view point and when someone questions it in a defense manor, I pull a plot twist. Yes, I know I am wrong for doing this and as Robin always says "Nobody asked you Patrice", however it's usually to bring up the point of smelling hate. I complete understand that there are other out there who "Hate on Christians" but let me ask you this... Who called them to love? Chances are if they are hating on Christians, they aren't following Christ so whomever has called them to love or tried to teach them to love has a skewed view of what love truly is. There idea of love is dirty, broken, and quite honestly a hot mess. However, we as Christians have a far great example of love. Our love is pure and Holy. The one who called us to love is love Himself. Now with those goggles on why is it that we are quick to jump on the hate train when our views are challenged. Why is it when our "muslim president" decides to support gay marriage that suddenly that gives us the right to persecute those who agree with him. NEWS FLASH, it doesn't. One of the many pastors that I enjoy listening too is the college pastor at a church in the town I attend school at. He once, while discussing spiritual warfare, said something on the lines of this The battle we are in is not in the flesh but in the spirit. When Christ said turn the other cheek, it was meant to remind us that this battle isn't one that can be fought in the physical, so turn the other cheek because far more energy needs to be focused on the spiritual than on the physical. So to end this section let me ask you this. What good would it do when met with opposition from someone who was let's say gay came to you and you decided rather than chastising them for their sins, you loved them, you showed them Christ?  

3. You're selling them an iPhone when they are getting a Nokia
     So metaphor alert! This really has been revealed to me the last few months. I realized that in American culture, Christians have the tendancies to sell lost individuals this lushes ideal of the Christian life. They sell them a version of the Genie God (A God that if you rub him the right way and give enough money to the pastor you'll recieve happiness and everything you ever wanted), The get out of pain free card (The idea that Christian life is easy-breezy-cover girl lifestyle), or the Perfectionism Life (Where you have to be perfect to be a Christian or you can't sit with us life). All three are wrong. God is a gracious God. He will provide for you but we must remember if the only thing we get from Him is eternity in His presence, that has to be enough. We can't rely on the idea that if we say enough prayers, give enough money, or attend enough church events that God is going to lavish us with big houses, expensive cars, and loads and loads of happy days (Did Fonzie just pop in your head? Cause he did mine). The Christian life is also not an easy one and why should it be? Christ calls us to pick up our cross and follow Him. I don't know if you know this or not but that wasn't Him saying life is going to be easy. Just because you say a prayer and get dunked and attend church and read your bible does that grant you the privilege of living a life with out the impact of sin around. Trials and pain in our lives are however there for a purpose. They aren't there to punish you but to show you areas in your life where growth needs to be met. James says this "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything". Trials lead us to holiness and Christ likeness. Lastly perfection doesn't happen over night. Perfection is something that God works on in us so when we meet Him in heaven we are perfect. So this whole idea that Christians some how live perfect lives above sin is B.S and we need to cut that crap out. I have seen more people use that against us on why they don't come to church than anything. We need to stop being pansies about our trials, struggles and pains and need to be like "Look, I am a mess but I got the greatest cleaner around and He's making me new". The Christian lifestyle isn't fancy in world standards. Sometimes we are lame, weird, boring etc. to the outside world. We aren't iPhones. We however have an indestructible life. We live the life of a Nokia. 

So with that being said, I am going to step off my soapbox now. I encourage you dear brothers and sisters of mine to work towards a life that resembles the life of Christ rather than the life of this world with Christ as your blanket shield. I understand it's difficult. But we weren't promised easy streets. I fail daily at trying to love my neighbors and those around me. Pray for me as I pray for you. 

Love you a  bushel and a peck,
