Thursday, March 27, 2014

It's Not Over Til It's Over: Our God is Bigger

I am not a huge dance show or talent competition show viewer. I have never even really watched Dancing With the Stars; however with the contestant Candace Cameron-Bure so blatantly demonstrating her faith on the show it's been hard to ignore. Recently, TheBlaze linked onto their Facebook profile page a video from Cameron-Bure's DWTS clip where she stated that her Christian beliefs would be upheld during the show. As I watched I got a warm, excited feeling that my God is not finished yet.

 My heart cringes whenever older adults start to claim that, because of my generation, the world is coming to an end. Mind you, this is the same generation that introduced Rock n' Roll, Playboy, and a more heighten society of drugs. With the heighten attention to sexual sins, immoralities, and various other "bad sins" many adults start to drop the claim "this is the end". It's completely frustrating. I honestly don't think is shows their attention to the Bible but their lack of faith and hope in the one they serve.

My God is the same God who destroyed the Earth, Nations, and Cities because of sin but He is also the same God who radically changed Saul into Paul and took an adulterous murder like David and made him a man after God's own heart. So please excuse me while I believe that my God can take a Miley/Bieber generation filled with sex, drugs, and rebellion and turn it into a world with more individuals like the Duck Dynasty family, Cameron-Bure, and 19 Kids and Counting.

Trust me, if you are one of those people who {No offense} looks down at the world from their Christian pedestal and prays for a rapture or declares end times, come down. Come down in the dirt and dig around. Be in this world that you are called to love. Aid the hurting. Love the loveless. Defend the weak. Demonstrate such love that when the world looks at you, they see nothing else but Christ, not some hypocritical, judgmental Christian. If you do you'll realize that TV shows such as Ducky Dynasty, Celebrities like Cameron-Bure, and Movies like Heaven is For Real or God's Not Dead are just the beginning. There's a rumbling under the surface that is starting to emerge. A generation that doesn't look at what you've done, what you look like, or what church you go to, to decide whether or not you are fit for the battle. We are a bunch of tatted up, loud gospel music, Jesus freaks who won't stand for this segregated, I'm-Better-Than-You-Because-(I'm a Christian, I'm a Baptist, etc.) mentality.

We are in a war. Stop fight with the person next to you and start fighting the true enemy.

Peace and Blessings,
Amanda Larson

The Video of Candace Cameron-Bure

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Safety Scissors

It's a lesson every mother teaches their child.

Don't cut your own hair.

As a child I think I cut my Barbie's hair rather than my own, well that was until today.

As I sat watching something dumb on Hulu {It's so dumb I don't even remember what it was}, the reality of how actually bored I was sat in. I was home alone with just the dog while my dad and brother are at the NCCA tournament games and my mom hung out with her group of friends. It started very vaguely. The idea was probably started as I went through old pictures {Perm and all} and I stumbled upon my short hair picture from circa 2012? I was all like "I was cute." Which brings me to the beginning of my stages of how I chopped off like an inch of hair tonight.

1. Throwbacks
 Around my 18th birthday I had decided that my longer-than-mid-back hair hair had to go. After constant headaches in Africa caused by the heavy weight champion known as my hair in a pony tail all day, I was done. I sat out on the porch as my mom snipped away. It was all fine and dandy until she said lean your head forward and all of my hair came forward. I now had short-than-my-shoulders hair. I swore my mom would never cut my hair again. However today as I looked at the photos I was reminded of how foxy I really was. 

2. Boredom if of the Devil 
"Why'd you do it?" Mom asked. "Satan was all like 'Chop it off' and Jesus was all like 'You'll regret it', so Satan won this battle Mom." I responded. Needless to say as I sat there bored, I probably could have done something more useful with my time like pack to go back to school tomorrow or something. But I didn't. 

3. The Act 
My hair was in a french braid and I thought "Hey, I'll lock of love style it." So I just chopped it off. I then took my hair out of the braid and instantly I looked in the mirror and regretted it. But it was too late now I had to make lemonade with just lemons. 

4. Cut my Losses and Wait for Mom
No pun intended. Okay actually pun was intended because it's funny, don't deny it. I patiently waited for mom to return home. I flipped my hair over my shoulders and greeted her at the door. She was instantly suspicious of my niceness. I apologized first and then begged for her help. At first she was down. Then she was all like I'll take you to the hair salon to fix it tomorrow. Then I was like "No, she'll yell at me for cutting my hair." Then mom was all like "We'll say someone else cut it in your sleep [Aka blame it on Sawyer]." Then after some winning she began to cut my hair.

My hair is fine now and in fact I actually really like. I also ate the words "I'm never letting my mom cut my hair again." and "I won't cut my hair until after I get married." Oh the things though I do so that I can right blog post :) 

Until next time my little chick-a-dees :) 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Double Edged Sword

Have you ever noticed how easily your gift from God becomes a source of pride?

I feel like if you have been in God's Kingdom for longer than a millisecond with a inkling idea of your gift that you have been well aware of both it's benefits and downsides.

I feel like my gift is writing and the ability to communicate ideas to other whether it be through writing or speaking.

I struggle daily with this source of pride. It's like every time I think "You got this Amanda, you're a fantastic writer, people love you." my next thought is usually "How prideful of you?"

I don't mean by any stretch of the imagination that you should downplay God's gift that He has entrusted in you. That you should over-humble yourself to the point where you either don't use it or you shrivel up to the idea of someone complimenting you.

At the same time though if you are anything like me, my initial response to anything God has entrusted me with has nothing to do with His Glory but mine.

His gift sometimes has less of what will be brought to His name but of a means of being praised.

-Praised for my abilities... that God entrusted me with
-Praised for my maturity... that came from God's pruning of me
-Praised for my ideas... that God granted me the freedom to think 
-Praised for my transparency... that God gave me the strength to do

At the same time as I battle with this pridefulness in my heart I sit here and wiggle my fingers at those around me who's pride isn't hidden by fancy words. I have been become a master spinster of words, twisting my language to hide the evidence of my guilt. Fancy words such as "It's all God" and "Praise be to God." My christenese is up to par what can I say?

How well have I become at humbling others. I do so with the gift God gave me. With my words. 

Are you starting to see this double edge sword? 

At the same time I am thoroughly grateful for this gift. 

You're now questioning if I am using christenese aren't ya?

I'm Not. 

I mean it. I am thankful.

I have this ability to speak and some how touch those around me. They get inspired to be better. Or they are challenged.

It started when I was 15, I spoke in front of thousands. Suddenly people were coming up to me and saying how much they were touched by my story. Grown adults were saying this. At 15 most people don't realize how much it means to have a bunch of adults tell you that they were listening to you.

Then at 18, out of pure frustration I wrote a post and placed it on a photo. I shared it with my friends and forgot about it. A few hours later I checked back on it. In a matter of three days I doubled, almost tripled, my friends on Facebook. A little post out of frustration was shared almost 100,000 times. Once again I was being commended for my words, these words that God entrusted me with.

Through both events, amongst many more, God has allowed me to meet people who impacted my life. Through the words that He entrusted me with, I was able to widen my pool of influence.

In my mind though I get the facts twisted sometimes. I think how awesome am I to have such an ability to command attention? How awesome am I to have an ability to influence others? How awesome am I?

As I embark on this new journey; however, I hope that God humbles me. That I am consumed like it says in Hebrew 12:29 "...Like an all consuming fire." by God. That every word that I write will bring Glory to none other than His name. That through my success, His name will be lifted higher. That through the opportunities granted to me that I will be able to share His name. Though I may fail, His name will hold strong.

See having a gift is a double edged sword because we make it to be. We grasp on to our gifts and talents instead of turning them over. We taint our gifts. God can use our gift for far more than we can imagine, we just have to let go of our death grip and turn it over to Him.

“The reality is that all God has to do is reveal himself to you, and you'll gladly join the mission in service to his kingdom. He doesn't force the issue; he just has to reveal himself as is: mighty, wondrous, gracious, loving, and radically saving. No man goes back to saltine crackers when he's had fillet mignon.”- Matt Chandler


Monday, March 10, 2014

5 Things I am A Weirdo About

So anyone who even claims to be my friend knows I am weird so I am not even going to deny it. However most people don't know just how weird I am because well I am an actress of sorts and have learned to cover the symptoms of my weirdness. Due to my vow to myself to be more transparent with people especially since my book basically pulls back the curtain and reveals OZ I decided to tell you the 5 things that I am a weirdo about.

1. Potty Time
     I don't know what it is, but I have a very strange regiment when it comes to public bathrooms. No I am not a super freak about the germs, I am however an uber freak about private time. For instance my rules are never go in a stall directly next to someone, never use the first stall in the bathroom, and for the most part pretend you aren't there. Sure there are exceptions to these rules like it being crowded and having friends who don't respect these rules and like to talk or be super close {No, thank you} during potty time.

2. History of Children
     I am like 90% of the time researching things that have no importance to my current situation. For an example if I am in the library chances are I am not doing homework but rather listening to sermons. Another example is if I am in History class more than likely researching recipes for my future family which brings me too...

3. Pinning Hipster 
     I am a pinterst freak but that's a known fact and not something that makes me weird. I promise. However what people don't understand is my "pinerest freakness" didn't come when I discovered pinterest, no I have been doing what pinterest offers for YEARS. I once created 5 brothers and sisters that my parents would adopt. I have scoured the interenet and found pictures, researched toys, clothes, bedroom ideas, etc.

4. Let's Get Physical
     Again this is a known fact amongst my friends. I am not a physical person... like ever. My body like literally rejects itself when ever physical touch is presented. Hugs, hand-holding, dancing, cuddling you name it, it freaks me out.  I just can't do it like even when someone is crying I am like uh sorry but I am going to stand over here and hug myself. In my mind though I love this stuff. I love the idea of hugs, holding hands and cuddling but the minute I try it, it's like I forget to life.

5. It's not you, It's me... Just kidding it probably is you
     I may seem extroverted sometimes but don't let me fool you, I'm not. And I have rules about that too. Like I need time to be myself, more time than the average person I feel like. Like if I am trapped in the same area with you for more than 24-hours feelings of excessive sarcasm and irritability creep into play, if I am trapped with you for more that 48 hours I basically am plotting how I can get away with physical assault, and longer than a week and we basically are enemies now... friendship over. On top of that when ever I am public, I don't care how good of friends we are, I don't want to see you unless I planned on it. I don't like small talk. I won't make eye-contact with you so I can say later on "Oh I didn't see you". Yes I am that much of a meaner, go ahead judge me.

Now you're thinking that I am a psycho and that's okay, because I probably am. I probably could find more reasons but I think I have given you enough ammunition for one day.

Adios Mustachios


Sunday, March 9, 2014

I Have a Band-aid: Purned not Broken

Okay, honestly I don't have a band-aid, I have something far more greater than that.

I have Jesus.

If you have been keeping up with my blogs you may have remembered a blog I wrote about 3 months ago on me being broken.

Today I went back and read it. Might I just say praise God for His Goodness. Honestly.

I was kind of a depressive jerk in that post. I realized looking back that a lot of it was raw emotion and unfiltered emotion. At the end of the blog I wrote:
Jesus replied "You don't understand what I am doing, but someday you will." John 13:7 
Though I still don't know what God is doing it is amazing how He healed my heart. 
I spoke about bitterness in my blog. Mainly how my "ex" caused so much bitterness in my heart because of it. Honestly, though I feel I have reason to, I have unfairly portrayed him in my blogs. Yes, it hurt that my heart was broken. Yes, bitterness was there. But you know what Christ is bigger than my broken heart and the bitterness I feel. He, not I, overcame both my broken heart and bitterness. I am completely sorry for that too. It's horrible to think that, as a called representative of Christ, I could allow such disunity amongst a brother in Christ let alone someone who I care deeply for.
 The sting of my past sometimes creep in. Late at night I sometimes think about all that I lost and my body literally begins to shake. Then I remember that I gained so much more through it that the sting is gone. It frankly sucks to have lost that many people I cared about but then again it sucks more that I wasted so much time focusing on my own loss that I forgot to glorify God. 

I also forgot that Christ also knows what it feels like to have friends turn on Him. Even though I forced those of my friends in their final decision. Christ understands. Judas betrayed Him and Peter denied Him. 

I, however, should have handled the situation COMPLETELY differently. People hurt each other it's our natural sin reaction. Instead of showing love though, I completely showed nothing but hate. Deep-seeded hate. 

I am completely sorry for my actions. 

With all that I must say though God is Good. Thank goodness that God does not allow His children to fall away. Thank goodness that God pursues me continually even though I run from Him. Thank goodness that God loves me more than I could have ever imagined that He would give me an opportunity to make it right. 

I don't know where God is taking me. The journey is both electrifying and terrifying all at once. The unknown is vast but I am daily learning to trust Him. Many things I hope for. I hope for renewing in relationships that I have been broken and can only be healed by Him. I hope for opportunities for my puring and mistakes can be used to bring Glory to God. 

I hope to change the idea that brokenness is a one-stop destination. The end all be all. It isn't brokenness is on the lines of cutting away the branches that don't produce fruit like Christ mentions in John 15:1-17. Brokenness is there so you lean closer to God and further from your own understandings and what the world offers.



Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Disappearance of the Babes

I love reading Jarrid Wilson's blog post. They are sort little reads that shed light onto people in my age group.

As an almost adult {Yes, I've stopped considering my 19 year old self as an adult} making life decisions about life are starting to come into play. Wilson recently posted a blog on his Facebook page on why youngsters like myself are leaving the church.

As you may or may not know with the closing of my high school chapter and the entering into a new chapter known as college, the very real idea of walking away from it all [Church] became an idea I struggled with. As I read Wilson's blog I realized that was exactly why, among a few more ideals that I wanted to leave church.

So I'd like to take the time to express them.

***Disclaimer*** I by no means am saying one type of church is far better than another nor am I say that church should conform to meet the needs of every member.

1. Wilson's Reason: They Find It Hard To Fit In
     As I began to question where I wanted to go, the church that I was at seemed to offer little to no support for my entering this age group. I understand why, many college students will no longer be attending that church on a regular basis. So my options were to either be grouped with my parents {30+ year olds} or grouped with the youth {12-17 year olds}. On top of that our church leaned more to preaching to the older adults rather than the younger ones. Or the older generation expected us to be more or less heathens and were often shocked when we weren't. I'm not saying this model of church was bad but it was based around grouping and generalizing which often led to discontent towards others or the feeling of being an outsider.

2. Wilson's Reason: They Claim It’s Tough To Connect
     This is was also true for me at a sense. Before leaving for college my family made a really difficult decision to change to a church plant. My first semester I struggled with bouncing from church to church being in Greenville one week and Rocky Mount the next. I was always lost in the middle of a series. My second semester of college though I've made a commitment to coming home every weekend to be connected to my home church. However, often times churches tend to be so programmatic that either the same people are doing the same stuff or members are doing so much that they have no real time to sit down and get to know each other. With a lack of disconnect you often experience resentment towards others or a lack of true transparency.

3. Wilson's Reason: They Yearn For Organic Community Vs. Organized Community
     This goes back to being programatic. In an age of technology that rules our everyday lives, many people I know yern for one-on-one time. We find enjoyment out of going to a coffee shop for coffee and to catch up on the meaning of life or going out to dinner and laughing. Yes, we spend a lot of our time Instagraming, tweeting or facebooking but we yearn for a deeper connection. Many old-school churches make everything into a program. While attending an older church everything I ever did was through a program with set times, schedules and lots of organization. Which in idea was fine. I met people and got to know new people but often times after that program was over we all went our separate ways. A large ideal of the new up and coming churches is the idea of lifegroups. It's taking church to it's original origins: the home. Each week you have the ability to sit and life together with a group of people. It's easier to be transparent and to gain that one-on-one time. We yearn for that realness. Many of the people my age {And I think a lot of the older adults} are tired of the "Perfect, put together Christian" ideal. God called us out none of us are put together or perfect or better or righteous {Romans 3:10-19} yet as a collective body we act this way. My observation though is many my age are tired of this, we want realness. We are broken and we aren't afraid to tell you that or that we need a savior.

4. Wilson's Reason: They Are Turned Off By Corporate Gatherings
      I believe this point relates back to being organic and real. The American church has decided to divide God's Church. We do this by denominations, race, and ultimately by bricks and mortar. Inside the church building we have divided up each other by age, gender, relationship status and preference. Church was never suppose to be one building, Church is an idea, a way of life. You don't go to a church, you are the church. For many young people the idea of going to a room filled with religiosity and judgement is scary. We already live in a world where we are judge because we claim to be a Christian or for the views we possess and then we come into a building filled with people who rather display their judgement on us rather than love us. So the idea of judgement plus the idea of church not being a building but a collective group of people has lead to a new coming of age idea where we worship and gather anywhere. God is everywhere and so should we. Quick story, one day my best friend Meredith asked me to join her at a church gathering for college students downtown. I was down for it, I was in a time where I was really seeking God in my heartache. We met at a local resturant, ate dinner and then headed on down the street. Outside the door a girl stood at a table with a clipboard, checking off names. Meredith and I signed up and then headed inside. The room was dark, crowded and some Lecrae was banging in the background. We were at a club church. As the preacher, a man dressed in a snapback, button up and baggy jeans spoke the word I couldn't help but notice the yuengling beer sign that hung over him. Nearly every Wednesday since then I have attended Uprise and felt completely wrecked afterwards. The worship is real and authentic. We shout "Holy Spirit you are welcomed here." and people walk by the bar and wonder what we are doing. Many people would have be appalled at the idea of having church in a bar without giving it a second chance. God is everywhere though, He's in schools, restaurants, strip clubs, and bars, he's in living rooms and bedrooms and jails. His presence is everywhere. I believe the old way of churching is gone dwindle down and you're going to see a new age of gathering in homes and in unusual places.

I once was told by a sweet lady at my current church how she wishes there was more young people like me. I smiled at her and told her that there was. Young people like me understand that rules aren't going to get you into Heaven. Tattooing your body, dying your hair or having church in a bar isn't going to keep you out of Heaven. That ideal isn't welcomed in a judgmental setting, it's the reason why people left the church that our my parent's age and why people are leaving now. Pretending to be high and mighty doesn't win lost people because it's an ideal that is seemingly impossible to meet. Showing that you are broken just like the lost though is something that they can relate to.

I may be wrong, trust me I have been before. A new wave though of Christianity is coming through. Youngsters are realizing that being perfect is far less important than winning souls to Christ. Being real and upfront is overtaking being self-righteous and filled with religiosity. Programs are being replaced by relationships.

Have a Blessed Day,

Amanda Larson

If you want to read Jarrid Wilson's blog, here it is: Why Are Young People Are Leaving The Church?


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sarcastically Single

So I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, like usual, and came across this article by Jarrid Wilson. The dude is an awesome Christian blogger who often hits exactly what I want to say on the head.

So the article was called 10 Things Single People Are Sick of Hearing. Okay, interest peeked for several reason one being I am single and two being that I love to just know that I am not the last person on the Earth who hasn't found someone to hitch myself to on this amazing journey called life.

As I read through the article I found myself doing what I often do best: Making sarcastic remarks about it in my head. Mainly I was picturing the people in my life who would say these sort of things and how I would answer them if I honestly could.

So I thought I'd share.

Question 1: Why are you still single?”
      Well this is a very good question, maybe it's because of my dad and his gun collection.

Question 2: Just pray about it.”
     WOW! I didn't think of that, thank you for opening the Pandora's box on relationships. I knew I was forgetting something.

Question 3: Are you dating anyone yet?”
     Probably not. I have a weird addiction to nutella and my bed.

Question 4: When is the last time you went on a date?”
     Well... ummm... that didn't end well so let's not

Question 5: Maybe you’re just being too picky.”
     Really? It is called having standards. Look at where not being picky has gotten many American girls these days, have you seen 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom or any other MTV reality TV show??

Question 6: When are you going to get married?”
     Next month, didn't you get your invite? It must have gotten lost in transportation LIKE MY HUSBAND!

Question 7: Hurry up! I want some grandchildren.”
     They are called arranged marriages, if you want grandchildren so bad, put in some sweat equity.

Question 8: I have this friend…”
     Wow I am glad you have friendships, because if you try to set me up chances are you'll lose mine.

Question 9: “He/She will come when the time is right.”
     I totally forgot that God's timing was perfect, thanks for reminding me. I was starting to get a little worried that God was late.

Question 10: Maybe you’re just called to be single.”
     I sure hope not because God has also put the calling on my life to adopt and be a wife and mother all of which generally need a spouse...

 With all joking aside though I have learned to be content in my singlehood. Right now God is molding the man of my dreams into the man I am suppose to marry and at the perfect time God will colloid our lives to where we will wonder how we ever spent them a part. Until then I am doing things to grow myself in my walk with Christ. I am becoming the godly woman that God wants me to be in my marriage and my own life. I am taking this time to do things that I may or may not be able to do with a boyfriend or a husband. I am taking time to figure out what I did wrong in my last relationship and how I can do it better in my next relationship. I'm not bitter about my place in life for my place in life is where God wants me to be. His plans are divine my plans are weak. I also feel as if God is making sure that my husband has enough time to grow a killer beard.

Peace and Blessings,


***Feel free to share or comment***

P.S If you want to check out Jarrid's blog you can look at it here: 10 Things Single People Are Sick of Hearing