Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Perfect Husband

I once, well quite a few times rather, have been told to sit down and create a list of the attributes I want in a a future husband and stick to them. Oddly enough in all of the relationship advice that I have taken over the years, this is one I have not done {Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend, but then again I live in Rocky Mount}. Mainly because I find it silly to {In my minute self} to sit down and try to figure out what I demand of my future husband. I'd hope that my husband would have only one requirement of me, as I do of him, that is; To love God with all my heart and to serve my God. Everything else to me seems frivolous to an extent. Sure, respecting me, loving me, caring for me, leading me etc. are great attributes to have, but if my husband is serving the Lord and following God's word, those things will come out through an extension of his love and submission to God. Nonetheless I thought I'd humor myself and possibly you in a little rendition of The 10 Things to Make The Perfect Husband.

1. Humor
   This goes without saying, if I am going to be stuck with you for the next 50 some years, you better be making me laugh. Some of my favorite moments is when I am sitting at the table with my family just laughing till our guts hurt and our face are stained with tears.

2. Must love Kids.
   My dad only requires one payment back for the 18 years of raising me, grandkids, so you probably should learn to like them now.

3. A beard
   "Once you go bearded, you don't go back" Is the way I look at it.

4. A Job
   Preferably a pastoral one, just saying. Also probably not one that requires the phrase "Are you ready to order?"

5. Patience
   My chances of changing my mind are high. This will probably be often, so patience is probably a key virtue to possess.

6. Honesty
    I'd prefer if you wouldn't let me go out of the house looking like I am the conductor of the Hot Mess Express. Just be honest, I'd rather hear it from you who loves me then that of a ghetto queen in her pjs at wal mart.

7. Your family
    I'd appreciate it if your family finds at least some part of me enjoyable to be around seeing as how we'll probably be around them quite often.

8. Must like mexican and itailian food
   More than likely tacos, burritos and pasta will be a staple in my home. If the saying goes as true "You are what you eat" then I am half Mexican and half Italian

9. My family
   My mother is pretty easy going, don't let her face confuse you, she most likely has a deep admiration for you and your love towards her daughter. My father on the other hand, he is the type of man to make you fear him but eventually he will grow on you like a rash. My brother, well, you'll see. All in all we will be the people who entertain you with our strange humor and situations.

10. Criminal Tendancies
   I would prefer that a majority of your criminal activity has ended by now. I am too pretty to go to jail.

Please understand that majority of these are meant to be slightly humorous and not all that true. I have a high standard when it comes those who I date and will eventually marry. I just don't have a check list of what I want. Most likely if I enjoy hanging out with you, you have a strong relationship with Christ, you demonstrate a love for me like no other and God ordains it, I am down for marriage.

Amanda :)

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