Friday, December 20, 2013

Running in a Circle

So I might I open this off and open the door to possible hatred by stating, I am a Christian and I believe homosexuality is a sin. Woo with that being said and before you clap in agreement or stand on your political correctness soapbox and wave a finger at me in disapproval, I as you to stick with me. I've noticed a pattern. I am a social media junkie, my life is lived out on status on facebook, tweets on twitter and photos on the insta. I am very fortunate to be so widely connected to the world around me; however, social media has it's downsides. As many of you may know the Duck Commander found, Phil Robertson made a statement in GQ that came out this week about gays. He then was fired from A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. This has opened the idea for the masses to flood yours, and my, Facebook feed with all kinds of enraged comments. It doesn't really matter if you support the agenda or not, I see it from both sides. So since I don't believe everyone would take the time to read this in my status, I shall do what I do best and write about it. 

Freedom of Speech: 
Freedom of speech is so misconstrued. I realized this growing up in a public school system. Freedom of speech does not mean you can spout whatever you want, then when the masses of disapproving village people come after you, shout "Freedom of Speech!" and everything will disappear. This does mean that you can say "I don't support homosexuality" and the President of the United States {Whom I might add does support homosexuality} cannot throw you in jail because he disagrees. Freedom of speech is the ability to express your own opinion with out fear of governmental punish. HOWEVER! and that is a big however with an exclamation point {Please take notice of the exclamation point}  freedom of speech rolls on both sides of the road. As a Christian my views on homosexuality are as expected and as stated in the beginning of the blog. If you ask me if I think homosexuality is a sin yes or no, my answer will be yes. This ideal and belief of mine has caused some really hateful stuff for instance check out some of the comments from this : Facebook Status Gone Wrong . I realized relatively quickly many people want to be heard, but many people don't want to listen. When I state my opinion, I almost always go into it expecting not to change you opinion. The great thing about living in America is we have this option of disagreeing with one another. However, freedom of speech only seems to work if you opinion is the same of the majority.

Oh so I am talking to my people first. So you think all homosexuals are bad and going to hell? **Insert snicker**. I am only 19 {Shocker I know}, I don't claim to know everything. In fact most days I feel quite below average when it comes to knowledge. I don't claim to know everything in the bible. However! I do know this: No matter how bad or how good a sin is, it's still a sin. So the next time you want to deem someone to hell simply because they sleep with the same gender, remember gossiping is on the same level, remember lusting is on the same level, remember when you watch 8 hours of Duck Dynasty and then turn around and say you're too tired for quiet time with God, that's just as bad. God doesn't see our sins as being greater than or less than to one another, he sees them all equaling death. I also know {From research, Christian research} that homosexuality just like any sin is addictive. The people who are in homosexual relations need just as much love as anyone. Remember God didn't send Christ so you can stand there like Pharisees, He sent Christ so you could be more like Christ and Christ could've cast the first stone, but He loved that woman and extended Grace, Mercy, Kindness, Love, Tenderness, and Compassionate. 

I've grown up hearing about you. Trust me, if you met my father you would know that that statement isn't a lie. Y'all just confuse me. That's really all I am going to say, simply because I don't know how to comprehend some of y'all. 

So, that's my thoughts on all of that. Try  not to get your panties in a wad, because by the time you get them out there will be a new story for you to twist them back into a knot about. Just remember hatred swings both ways and can be interpreted both ways. Everyone has the right to their beliefs. I believe that homosexuality is a sin, I don't believe you are created Gay but I do believe that there are things out of the individual's control to lead them to that particular sin choice. Homosexuality is just like every other sexual immoral sin. Yes, I understand love and yes I think you have the right to love whom ever but Love and Sex are TWO completely different things. I also believe that for awhile Christians have gotten it wrong. Christ laid down His life for us so that we could live a life more like Him. Instead we waste our time writing up petitions for a tv show, arguing with someone over facebook or various other meaningless activities and we call it "Standing up for our Faith". We weren't called to stand up for our faith we were called to share the Gospel. Christ won, Christ defeated Death, Christ defended out Faith. Now go make disciples. 

I realize by now I've rambled on, but it's almost 10:30 and I haven't danced yet today so please forgive me. Have a Merry Christmas and remember in the words of Kid President
Peace Out!

P.S After I posted this blog I decided to explain myself more for there was some lack of explanation. Feel free to read the second blog in Running in A Circle: Part 2 :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely! I have friends and family who are gay. I love them just as God commands. But I do not agree with their lifestyle.
