Sunday, June 8, 2014

1 Year

It's amazing what 365 days can do to a girl.

A year ago today I walked across a stage and took hold of my high school diploma. I watch my friends graduate and we celebrated.

I had dreams and visions for my life. Honestly those hopes and dreams were completely and utterly shattered this past year. Praise God for that.

A year ago my idea of my life was to live my life with my best friends at the time, marry that boy I had wanted for most of my high school career, get a degree in Political Science, have a family, and become the first female President. On the flip side I also wanted to embrace the notorious reputation that East Carolina University held as a party school. I had visions of partying and drinking and sex. I was running from God fast and furious a year ago.

As much as my outer self kept me together, my inner self was bursting with worldly passions. I didn't know who or what I was anymore but I put on a wonderful show.

Like I said, it's amazing what 365 days will do to a girl.

In 100 days though I will hit another milestone. Adulthood.

Legally I have hit this milestone over a year ago but in 100 days I will hit the big 2-0. So in light of that here is 100 things that the past year has taught me.

01. God is greater than anything I could imagine
02. God's plans are greater than anything I could wish for
03. In the friendship game, it's better to have 4 quarters than 100 pennies
04. The first boy you love may not be the last boy you love
05. It's okay to hurt, it's not ok to become bitter
06. Real friends build you up
07. Fake friends seek to destroy you
08. A Good Family is worth more than all the diamonds in the world
09. If you won't move out of your seat, God will place someone next to you that stinks
10. Sometimes new friendships come out of the most random circumstances
11. Even when you don't feel it, God loves you
12. God has a sense of humor, sometimes you just need to learn to laugh
13. Praying friends are better than friends who offer you a shoulder
14. Discipline hurts
15. College: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
16. God doesn't always prune us gently
17. If it feels wrong, it most likely is
18. God doesn't offer us the spirit of timidity, Satan sells that, don't buy it
19. Don't place your identity in Christians, place it in Christ
20. If they talk about others to you, they'll talk about you to others
21. Always remember you may be the only true example of Christ others see
22. Starbucks is really expensive
23. Just cause you have money, doesn't mean you should spend it
24. Watch what secrets you entrust to others
25. Sometimes if people can't tear you down with the truth, they'll make stuff up. Don't believe it
26. You're free to have joy
27. Sometimes being heard isn't the most important thing
28. Forgiveness doesn't always equal friendship
29. Some people don't care that they hurt you, still forgive them
30. Forgiveness is something you need to do daily
31. Don't allow others to control what you do
32. Don't paint your nails and leave the bottle on the edge of your bed
33. Nail polish is hard to clean up
34. Sometimes crying is all you can do
35. People are always watching
36. Just because they are adults, doesn't mean they act like it
37. Praise God when you are rich, praise Him even more when you are poor
38. Writing a book isn't as easy as it sounds
39. Trust everyone, but don't let it change you if they break that trust
40. Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting
50. Painting is calming
51. I have some artistic bone
52. Humility is a hard pill to swallow, do it anyway
53. Keep the end in mind
54. Keep your head held high
55. Praying is too important to do only at meals and before bed
56. Praising God in the midst of pain is so very sweet
57. The worldly things make look like chocolate but really it's just nicely decorated mud
58. Name alone doesn't make someone a Christian
59. People throw rocks at things that shine (Thanks T-swizzle)
60. A true friend will apologize for hurting you, not blame you
61. Subtweeting leads nowhere good
62. Surround yourself with God's word
63. Lean on God's people
64. Modesty is the best policy
65. Don't just think about chasing God, actually start running
66. Everyone you meet is a new opportunity to learn something new
67. Change sucks going through it, but is awesome when it's done
68. There's a difference between caring and being nosey
69. Mom is truly my best friend
70. Dad is my protector of everything my physical being to my character
71. When you aren't watching your little brother becomes a man
72. Weird is awesome, embrace it
73. Disney movies aren't that bad
74. You will change your major
75. Caring about the opinions of others who don't care about you, is a waste of time
76. Don't look at their social media
77. Laughter is really a good cure
78. Believe that God has and is meeting your greatest need
79. Sometimes family isn't about shared DNA and last names at all but of who is there and loves you
80. God's revenge is the best and easy revenge, so let Him handle it
81. Some people want to help, let them
82. Let go of anger
83. Let go of sadness
84. Let go of the past
85. Christ conquered all, stop trying to too
86. Just cause it's comfortable doesn't mean it's right
87. My future husband is far better than the man in my head
88. A job, a house, a car, a husband, children etc. will come in time. In the mean time grow in God
89. Learn new things
90. Be the person you always wanted but do it with a Gospel heart
91. Talk is just talk, don't let false words change you
92. You have far more people in your corner than you think
93. Even if you don't have people in your corner, God is in your corner so who else do you need?
94. Maturity is a lifestyle not just a destination
95. Tragedies don't prove maturity, how you handle said tragedies do
96. There truly is more fish in the sea, don't get hooked on one
97. Take care of your body, it's housing the King of Kings
98. Work hard
99. It's far better to work hard and get it right the first time then make up for it later
100. Today is a new day with new graces


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