Thursday, March 27, 2014

It's Not Over Til It's Over: Our God is Bigger

I am not a huge dance show or talent competition show viewer. I have never even really watched Dancing With the Stars; however with the contestant Candace Cameron-Bure so blatantly demonstrating her faith on the show it's been hard to ignore. Recently, TheBlaze linked onto their Facebook profile page a video from Cameron-Bure's DWTS clip where she stated that her Christian beliefs would be upheld during the show. As I watched I got a warm, excited feeling that my God is not finished yet.

 My heart cringes whenever older adults start to claim that, because of my generation, the world is coming to an end. Mind you, this is the same generation that introduced Rock n' Roll, Playboy, and a more heighten society of drugs. With the heighten attention to sexual sins, immoralities, and various other "bad sins" many adults start to drop the claim "this is the end". It's completely frustrating. I honestly don't think is shows their attention to the Bible but their lack of faith and hope in the one they serve.

My God is the same God who destroyed the Earth, Nations, and Cities because of sin but He is also the same God who radically changed Saul into Paul and took an adulterous murder like David and made him a man after God's own heart. So please excuse me while I believe that my God can take a Miley/Bieber generation filled with sex, drugs, and rebellion and turn it into a world with more individuals like the Duck Dynasty family, Cameron-Bure, and 19 Kids and Counting.

Trust me, if you are one of those people who {No offense} looks down at the world from their Christian pedestal and prays for a rapture or declares end times, come down. Come down in the dirt and dig around. Be in this world that you are called to love. Aid the hurting. Love the loveless. Defend the weak. Demonstrate such love that when the world looks at you, they see nothing else but Christ, not some hypocritical, judgmental Christian. If you do you'll realize that TV shows such as Ducky Dynasty, Celebrities like Cameron-Bure, and Movies like Heaven is For Real or God's Not Dead are just the beginning. There's a rumbling under the surface that is starting to emerge. A generation that doesn't look at what you've done, what you look like, or what church you go to, to decide whether or not you are fit for the battle. We are a bunch of tatted up, loud gospel music, Jesus freaks who won't stand for this segregated, I'm-Better-Than-You-Because-(I'm a Christian, I'm a Baptist, etc.) mentality.

We are in a war. Stop fight with the person next to you and start fighting the true enemy.

Peace and Blessings,
Amanda Larson

The Video of Candace Cameron-Bure

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