Monday, March 10, 2014

5 Things I am A Weirdo About

So anyone who even claims to be my friend knows I am weird so I am not even going to deny it. However most people don't know just how weird I am because well I am an actress of sorts and have learned to cover the symptoms of my weirdness. Due to my vow to myself to be more transparent with people especially since my book basically pulls back the curtain and reveals OZ I decided to tell you the 5 things that I am a weirdo about.

1. Potty Time
     I don't know what it is, but I have a very strange regiment when it comes to public bathrooms. No I am not a super freak about the germs, I am however an uber freak about private time. For instance my rules are never go in a stall directly next to someone, never use the first stall in the bathroom, and for the most part pretend you aren't there. Sure there are exceptions to these rules like it being crowded and having friends who don't respect these rules and like to talk or be super close {No, thank you} during potty time.

2. History of Children
     I am like 90% of the time researching things that have no importance to my current situation. For an example if I am in the library chances are I am not doing homework but rather listening to sermons. Another example is if I am in History class more than likely researching recipes for my future family which brings me too...

3. Pinning Hipster 
     I am a pinterst freak but that's a known fact and not something that makes me weird. I promise. However what people don't understand is my "pinerest freakness" didn't come when I discovered pinterest, no I have been doing what pinterest offers for YEARS. I once created 5 brothers and sisters that my parents would adopt. I have scoured the interenet and found pictures, researched toys, clothes, bedroom ideas, etc.

4. Let's Get Physical
     Again this is a known fact amongst my friends. I am not a physical person... like ever. My body like literally rejects itself when ever physical touch is presented. Hugs, hand-holding, dancing, cuddling you name it, it freaks me out.  I just can't do it like even when someone is crying I am like uh sorry but I am going to stand over here and hug myself. In my mind though I love this stuff. I love the idea of hugs, holding hands and cuddling but the minute I try it, it's like I forget to life.

5. It's not you, It's me... Just kidding it probably is you
     I may seem extroverted sometimes but don't let me fool you, I'm not. And I have rules about that too. Like I need time to be myself, more time than the average person I feel like. Like if I am trapped in the same area with you for more than 24-hours feelings of excessive sarcasm and irritability creep into play, if I am trapped with you for more that 48 hours I basically am plotting how I can get away with physical assault, and longer than a week and we basically are enemies now... friendship over. On top of that when ever I am public, I don't care how good of friends we are, I don't want to see you unless I planned on it. I don't like small talk. I won't make eye-contact with you so I can say later on "Oh I didn't see you". Yes I am that much of a meaner, go ahead judge me.

Now you're thinking that I am a psycho and that's okay, because I probably am. I probably could find more reasons but I think I have given you enough ammunition for one day.

Adios Mustachios


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