Monday, December 30, 2013

Thank you

As the New Year is coming in here in the next few hours, I want to take the time to give a big shout out to the big man upstairs, God. Wow that sounded blasphemous. Looking back 2013 had to be one of the lowest years I have had in awhile. It was filled with a lot of God bringing me to my knees. As 2014 rings in; however, God is starting to do the very fatherly thing, HE's picking me up and brushing the dirt off my knees. So as I get ready to head into a year of improving myself with the help of HIM I want to say thank you to my LORD and Savior. He has consistently protected my heart over the past few weeks and He continues to bless me, so thank you.


Happy Birthday Jordan

I figured a post this big didn’t deserve some rinky dink facebook status or instagram post, no this post deserved a freaking blog post. I don’t remember this day 13 years ago, but I do remember quite a lot of days afterwards. On this day the colts would lose to the dolphins, Nebraska would win the Alamo bowl over Northeastern, 22 were killed in the Rizal Day bombing in the Philippines and it was a Saturday. More importantly this day was one of the most exciting days for me, on this day Jordan Noel O’Leary came into the world. If you aren’t aware Jordan is my best friend who just happens to be 13 and my cousin. If you haven’t had the privilege of meeting her let me tell you a little bit about her. 

Jordan turns 13 today. Her favorite color is Tiffany Blue and she plays various sports like volleyball and softball. If it’s monogramed she will generally love it and she is a real girly girl. She is an incredible singer. She has been to the Dominican Republic for a mission trip. She is incredibly kind, gentle, and giggles a lot. We spend lots of time just talking and walking around her neighborhood. I share all my secrets with her.

We I was younger, Jordan is what I waited for especially after I got my brother. I use to call my aunt and ask “Did you have my cousin yet?” when that question started she wasn’t even married nor pregnant. Finally though I got my wish. As she gets older, I get more and more proud to be cousin and I cannot imagine the greatness God has planned for her.

My wish for her is that in her teen years she doesn’t forget who holds her heart and life in His hands. I pray that she upholds her relationship with CHRIST and her character above all. I pray that she follows the path God has laid out for her rather than following the crowd. I hope she understands that I am forever here for her no matter what. I pray that she has a glorious 13th birthday and passage into teenhood.

Happy Birthday

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


It amazes me how in such a short time someone can become such an important part of your life. In 2013 I realized the value of good friends and how hard they are to find. In 2014 I am excited to build upon the few friends that I have, those people I consider my best friends and build new relationships. In 2013, towards the end, I became best friends with Courtney Ashley'Marie Vitale. She is just a bundle of joy (Wow that really sounded like I was describing my child) anywho! Going into 2014 I want to build on our friendship so we decided that we would do New Year's Friendsolutions and here they are :
2014 New Year's Friendsolutions
1. One Hour a Week together without Technology

2. Watch a 5 Dollar Movie once A Month Together 

3. Every two weeks go out for Starbucks and a walk

4. Keep a Friend journal every week

5. Workout daily together 
Well that's it for the resolutions on my part! Comment below, comment on the facebook status or tweet me your new year's resolutions! :) Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year! :)

Amanda :)


MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Well I successfully survived another Christmas :) Now like most people I am heading into the jitters of a New Year. With the New Year comes the typical New Year's Resolutions. I have never been one to do this but for some reason I have an excitement about the year 2014 and my desire to make a list of things I want to accomplish is almost overpowering. Like I wrote in my blog Living Not Existing lately I have really been thinking about self improvement so that probably has something to do with my desire this year to set goals to accomplish in 2014. So without further ado

2014's New Year's Resolutions
1. Continue to grow in God 

2. Accomplish Weight Goal 

3. Stay off Social Media for 3 months

4. Get activated in Market America

5. Run a 5k or 10k 

6. Save my Money better

7. Start and/or finish writing a book

8. Read more 

9. Bring up my GPA 

10. Be Positive 

11. Be a Mile deep friend instead of a mile wide

12. Be a better listener

13. Grow in Knowledge 

14. Drink more Water 

15. Drink more Hot Tea

16. Take at least 1 photo a day 

17. Create a Thankful Jar

18. Watch Harry Potter

19. Try Yoga 

20. Be Joyous

21. Be Kind 

22. Say thank you more often

23. Write more Letters

24. Write more letters to my Future Hubby

25. Broaden my Horizons
Amanda :)
p.s Look for Friendsolutions coming in just a few :)<3

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Perfect Husband

I once, well quite a few times rather, have been told to sit down and create a list of the attributes I want in a a future husband and stick to them. Oddly enough in all of the relationship advice that I have taken over the years, this is one I have not done {Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend, but then again I live in Rocky Mount}. Mainly because I find it silly to {In my minute self} to sit down and try to figure out what I demand of my future husband. I'd hope that my husband would have only one requirement of me, as I do of him, that is; To love God with all my heart and to serve my God. Everything else to me seems frivolous to an extent. Sure, respecting me, loving me, caring for me, leading me etc. are great attributes to have, but if my husband is serving the Lord and following God's word, those things will come out through an extension of his love and submission to God. Nonetheless I thought I'd humor myself and possibly you in a little rendition of The 10 Things to Make The Perfect Husband.

1. Humor
   This goes without saying, if I am going to be stuck with you for the next 50 some years, you better be making me laugh. Some of my favorite moments is when I am sitting at the table with my family just laughing till our guts hurt and our face are stained with tears.

2. Must love Kids.
   My dad only requires one payment back for the 18 years of raising me, grandkids, so you probably should learn to like them now.

3. A beard
   "Once you go bearded, you don't go back" Is the way I look at it.

4. A Job
   Preferably a pastoral one, just saying. Also probably not one that requires the phrase "Are you ready to order?"

5. Patience
   My chances of changing my mind are high. This will probably be often, so patience is probably a key virtue to possess.

6. Honesty
    I'd prefer if you wouldn't let me go out of the house looking like I am the conductor of the Hot Mess Express. Just be honest, I'd rather hear it from you who loves me then that of a ghetto queen in her pjs at wal mart.

7. Your family
    I'd appreciate it if your family finds at least some part of me enjoyable to be around seeing as how we'll probably be around them quite often.

8. Must like mexican and itailian food
   More than likely tacos, burritos and pasta will be a staple in my home. If the saying goes as true "You are what you eat" then I am half Mexican and half Italian

9. My family
   My mother is pretty easy going, don't let her face confuse you, she most likely has a deep admiration for you and your love towards her daughter. My father on the other hand, he is the type of man to make you fear him but eventually he will grow on you like a rash. My brother, well, you'll see. All in all we will be the people who entertain you with our strange humor and situations.

10. Criminal Tendancies
   I would prefer that a majority of your criminal activity has ended by now. I am too pretty to go to jail.

Please understand that majority of these are meant to be slightly humorous and not all that true. I have a high standard when it comes those who I date and will eventually marry. I just don't have a check list of what I want. Most likely if I enjoy hanging out with you, you have a strong relationship with Christ, you demonstrate a love for me like no other and God ordains it, I am down for marriage.

Amanda :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Social Media

Dear Friends and Followers,

For sometime now I have entertained Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. After a post of mine went viral about a year ago and I gained many friends, I felt it was a responsibility of mine to keep Facebook up and running. I however, need a break. I know you get it all the time the facebook statuses out of frustration stating "I am so done with facebook" and then you loose a friend. As much I genuinely enjoy getting new friends and getting to know them, I must check out for awhile. I need a mental break from all the negativity that I see throughout my wall. I have to get some things in check with myself without the looming distraction of social media. The same goes with Twitter and Instagram. So from January 1st- March 9th 2014, I will be taking a hiatus from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I will be spending this time developing more of my character, building better relationships and mixing various things that I need to fix. If you would still like to stay in contact with me over those three months, please send me a message on Facebook before January 1st and we can determine the best path. I am not deleting any of them just simply taking a break from them, so after March 9th I will still have the same Facebook. My blog will still be up and running so please subscribe :)

Thank you

Amanda :)

Running in A Circle: Part 2

Last night's blog post on homosexuality wasn't the full truth or rather my full heart. My parents have a great understanding of what is truthfully my heart and what is some masqueraded version of it, truthfully last night's blog was simply a masqueraded version of my true heart. So I wanted to semi rewrite the blog and explain myself a little bit more. So here I go.

Homosexuality has nothing to do with politics. Sure the idea of homosexuality has been brought into the arena of politics. If you are a liberal you claim the conservatives are hateful, religious folk who are ruining "love". If you are conservative you claim that the homosexual agenda is destroying the home and needs to be squashed like an icky bug. They are both right and wrong. Homosexuality is a heart issue.

As I addressed in my last blog and will do in this one is majority of Christians. I am a Christian, I follow Christ to the best that my sinful, evil self can do. So please, understand I do not mean to bash Christians. My point in pointing out the collective wrong-doing by Christians is this: they are my brothers and sisters and what they do impacts the kingdom of God.

As I talked over my blog with my father today he kept bringing up the point that I saw many Christians were trying to make this week in light of the Phil Robertson scenerio. They claimed to be taking a stance against their faith. Don't get me wrong I understand taking a stand on your beliefs. What I see though is a lot more talky talky and a lot less listeny listeny. As Christians what we often do is this:

Step 1: An issue arises
 For instance the Chick fil A owner claiming traditional beliefs, Phil Robertson's opinion on Gay etc.
Step 2: State our Opinion
 This usually happens over Facebook with statuses like "I am appalled that the lost world does not see that homosexuality is a sin"
Step 3: We Get Into Arugements
 Now don't get me wrong, I love a good arguement; however, some people just live to start drama
Step 4: We beat our stance down each others' throat.
Step 5: We deny ever being wrong

Specifically number 1 and 2 are not bad, it is 3-5 that is where we get it wrong majority of times. I observe people, especially those who claim to be Christians. Sadly those are the same people that go out looking for a fight. For an example a Christian I follow on social media seemingly searched for conversations where people found fault in everything Phil did, they then turned around and got into arguments with people they did not know. How is that Christ like? Step 4, I get you have a belief but for the love of all things good, would you want someone constantly bringing forth their opinion? Jamming their opinion down your throat? Y'all that's how you get blocked! Once you are block how are you going to share the gospel of social media then? Step 5, this is one of the biggest things I tried to convey to my father in our discussion this morning. After I got him to silence and listen, I stated that our need, as Christians, to be right in every argument out weighs our desire to share the gospel in a loving manner. As far as I am concerned Christ defended the bible, He laid His arms across a wooden cross and hung for our bible. My job isn't to belligerently defend the Word of God so much that I lose the true meaning of the Word. Not to mention many of times those who you are up against, those you are "defending your faith" to aren't Christians, they are lost. So guess what! They are going to act lost, they are going to take offense to the Word of God because the Word of God is offensive. It's meant to be, the Gospel displays us for who we truly are; lost, evil, sinful, ugly people who need a perfect, holy, sinless God. To a lost person they can't grasp the word of God in it's entirety without knowing the Author. 

As a former Chick-fil-A worker, I worked Chick fil A appreciation day back in 2012. I was slightly jet lagged and honestly didn't understand until later that night what exactly had happened since I had been in Kenya the whole week before. As I stood there and time passed the mall restaurant where I worked got so crowded many people waited in line for over an hour for chicken. As I stood there shocked at the scenario I was witnessing the question arose, why are they here? See the Chick fil A where I worked was in a run down mall where people rarely came into. In fact that December the restaurant closed. If half of these people appreciated Chick fil A so much, where were they the rest of the year? As I served many of them I was appalled by their "Christian" nature. They said hateful things towards other humans. It occurred to me about 4 hours in that many of these people didn't appreciate Chick fil A they just didn't like gays. It is the same scenario as the Phil Robertson. I see many Christians jumping on this bandwagon not to stand up for what is right but to simply take the opportunity to bash gays. Sure they aren't outright going around using hateful speech but the sly underground attacks are there.

The thing to me is this if we place Jesus into today's culture. People would know where He stood. But they wouldn't know by Him changing is Facebook Picture, by Him starting debates or by Him going out and doing all the other things that I see happening this week on social media. We would know Him by the love that He demonstrates to the broken, lost and hurting. See my Jesus is compassionate. How compassionate are you? Are you using this time to lovingly share the gospel? Are using this time to identify the hurting? Or are you using this time to check off a box in your religious agenda? Do you you see this as an opportunity to gain new brothers and sisters? Or a time to wear you "I love Jesus Sign" loud and proud without fear of being attacked without those to back you up? Because guess what, next week around this time I can almost guarantee you that this whole situation will blow over. I can also guarantee that many of these bandwagon fans will return to the religious hole that they crept out of and you won't hear another word from them until the next big controversy. Those who are gay and lost will continue to be gay and lost and believing that God hates them. I for one don't want that. See I screwed up and here's how:

When i was growing up i had a best friend who was my best friend from basically 3 years old until the 4th grade. today i am still friends with her on facebook. i took her to awanas with me {A children bible study} and she was always there are church with me for the most part. somewhere along the lines she stopped going to church with me. we lost touch, i went my way and she went hers. almost every month once or twice i go onto her facebook just to see how things are going. nearly every time my heart is broken. see i had an oppertunity to share the gospel with her. needless to say i wasn't really a christian but a church goer when we were friends. however where i am attending college, am active in my church and am seen as a "goody two shoes" she is into drugs, has a girlfriend and various other things. i can almost feel the sense of lack of love and hurt she must feel. i feel like failed. 

Many times whether Christian or not, we disregard the human in front of us. We rarely take the time to get to know them, we judge them based on a box that they fit into. You see though, Christ never did that. He had every right to judge everyone of us, to send us all to hell because we all fit into a major box marked as "Sinner" but He didn't. In fact He did the complete opposite He loved us. So I guess in closing my advice and my urge is simple. Love your neighbor whether he or she is gay, straight, white, black, what have you and share the gospel in a way that is loving and kind rather than hurtful. Also don't give me some load of bologna about how you don't understand how the gospel can be perceived as hateful. Just remember back to a time when you were blind and how harsh the glorious light of Christ pained you, then remember the love of God as He wrapped His arms around you, then do the same for the lost in your world. Because trust me, they are watching. 

As for you who are Gays, please let me say this. I love you and so does my God. Please bare in mind that just like you, Christians are human. We sin and though we sin differently, our fate of hell is just like yours. Please forgive us where we fail to demonstrate love. Please understand when we say we don't accept your lifestyle that it doesn't mean we don't accept you. 

Have A Merry Christmas, 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Running in a Circle

So I might I open this off and open the door to possible hatred by stating, I am a Christian and I believe homosexuality is a sin. Woo with that being said and before you clap in agreement or stand on your political correctness soapbox and wave a finger at me in disapproval, I as you to stick with me. I've noticed a pattern. I am a social media junkie, my life is lived out on status on facebook, tweets on twitter and photos on the insta. I am very fortunate to be so widely connected to the world around me; however, social media has it's downsides. As many of you may know the Duck Commander found, Phil Robertson made a statement in GQ that came out this week about gays. He then was fired from A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. This has opened the idea for the masses to flood yours, and my, Facebook feed with all kinds of enraged comments. It doesn't really matter if you support the agenda or not, I see it from both sides. So since I don't believe everyone would take the time to read this in my status, I shall do what I do best and write about it. 

Freedom of Speech: 
Freedom of speech is so misconstrued. I realized this growing up in a public school system. Freedom of speech does not mean you can spout whatever you want, then when the masses of disapproving village people come after you, shout "Freedom of Speech!" and everything will disappear. This does mean that you can say "I don't support homosexuality" and the President of the United States {Whom I might add does support homosexuality} cannot throw you in jail because he disagrees. Freedom of speech is the ability to express your own opinion with out fear of governmental punish. HOWEVER! and that is a big however with an exclamation point {Please take notice of the exclamation point}  freedom of speech rolls on both sides of the road. As a Christian my views on homosexuality are as expected and as stated in the beginning of the blog. If you ask me if I think homosexuality is a sin yes or no, my answer will be yes. This ideal and belief of mine has caused some really hateful stuff for instance check out some of the comments from this : Facebook Status Gone Wrong . I realized relatively quickly many people want to be heard, but many people don't want to listen. When I state my opinion, I almost always go into it expecting not to change you opinion. The great thing about living in America is we have this option of disagreeing with one another. However, freedom of speech only seems to work if you opinion is the same of the majority.

Oh so I am talking to my people first. So you think all homosexuals are bad and going to hell? **Insert snicker**. I am only 19 {Shocker I know}, I don't claim to know everything. In fact most days I feel quite below average when it comes to knowledge. I don't claim to know everything in the bible. However! I do know this: No matter how bad or how good a sin is, it's still a sin. So the next time you want to deem someone to hell simply because they sleep with the same gender, remember gossiping is on the same level, remember lusting is on the same level, remember when you watch 8 hours of Duck Dynasty and then turn around and say you're too tired for quiet time with God, that's just as bad. God doesn't see our sins as being greater than or less than to one another, he sees them all equaling death. I also know {From research, Christian research} that homosexuality just like any sin is addictive. The people who are in homosexual relations need just as much love as anyone. Remember God didn't send Christ so you can stand there like Pharisees, He sent Christ so you could be more like Christ and Christ could've cast the first stone, but He loved that woman and extended Grace, Mercy, Kindness, Love, Tenderness, and Compassionate. 

I've grown up hearing about you. Trust me, if you met my father you would know that that statement isn't a lie. Y'all just confuse me. That's really all I am going to say, simply because I don't know how to comprehend some of y'all. 

So, that's my thoughts on all of that. Try  not to get your panties in a wad, because by the time you get them out there will be a new story for you to twist them back into a knot about. Just remember hatred swings both ways and can be interpreted both ways. Everyone has the right to their beliefs. I believe that homosexuality is a sin, I don't believe you are created Gay but I do believe that there are things out of the individual's control to lead them to that particular sin choice. Homosexuality is just like every other sexual immoral sin. Yes, I understand love and yes I think you have the right to love whom ever but Love and Sex are TWO completely different things. I also believe that for awhile Christians have gotten it wrong. Christ laid down His life for us so that we could live a life more like Him. Instead we waste our time writing up petitions for a tv show, arguing with someone over facebook or various other meaningless activities and we call it "Standing up for our Faith". We weren't called to stand up for our faith we were called to share the Gospel. Christ won, Christ defeated Death, Christ defended out Faith. Now go make disciples. 

I realize by now I've rambled on, but it's almost 10:30 and I haven't danced yet today so please forgive me. Have a Merry Christmas and remember in the words of Kid President
Peace Out!

P.S After I posted this blog I decided to explain myself more for there was some lack of explanation. Feel free to read the second blog in Running in A Circle: Part 2 :)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Living not Existing

After getting my grades back for my first semester in college the anxiety I felt before heighten. See I like to think of myself as not a normal kid. I don't picture myself in one specific career let's say like a doctor or an accountant or a teacher or a preacher. Not that there is anything wrong with those careers, I am just not that. The other night I frantically took numerous aptitude test to figure out what I should be. Sadly, the aptitude test kept saying things like an accountant or a statistics annalist, which I don't quite get seeing as how I barely passed Algebra 2, failed Online Pre-Cal and barely passed pre-cal in a class in high school. In fact when choosing my major I was thrilled to find out that Communication Majors could switch their math out for a philosophy class. With all that a side though, my mind has been racing with the questions "What will you do?" "Who are you?" and "How will you get to where you need to go". Now I get it there's that very Christian complacent side of me that says "Oh God will figure it out" and that is very true, God has a plan; however, I've met people who mindlessly navigate through life waiting for God to shoot across the sky their answer. They waste precious days, months and even years waiting for a shout from God instead of discovering what God has for them. I don't want to be that person. So when I have a minute away from the busyness of life and my binge watching of Netflix and Hulu, I sit down and research.

At first my research started out of my obsession with being the perfect wife and mother. I would research better ways to love my husband or how to save lots of money couponing. I pinned numerous pins on creative memories to make with my children and seemingly wonderful ideas of showing my future husband I loved him. When I realized that perfection was an ideal and not a reality I moved on.

I then dived deep into the idea of self improvement. That's where I am now. After I got tired of playing the victim of past friendships gone sour and a relationship that lacked respect I took a deep look in the mirror and realized I didn't know who I was. As a high schooler I had these ideas of who I was going to be in college, what I was going to do. I was going to be fit, I was going to be smart and I was going to be on track to a successful life. But here I sit chubby, dumb and completely and utterly lost.

~ All who wander aren't lost - J.R.R Tolkien ~

I realize I am wandering. I realized that I am still a piece of work, God isn't finished in me. I realize that as I approach 20 this upcoming year that I still have a lot to learn. So as I wander, collecting pieces along the way I research. I spend countless hours listening to speakers rattle on about making the most of my life in my 20's. I pin pins that will help me be in the future a better mom and a better mother. But mostly I invest in my personality, my character and my future. I am learning how to budget and save money. I am learning my own sense of style. I am learning what it looks like to be a true friend. I am discovering who I want to be. I realized that I want to spend my life inspiring others to be better than who they are now. That's what I want to do in my life. I want to write beautiful things. I want to stand in front of people with my heart racing, knees trembling and strongly deliver a speech. I want to be a person who spews creativity and ideas, a person who has a strong character and morals. I want to live instead of exist. I don't want to just pursue knowledge found in a text book but knowledge found in the hearts of others. 



Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Family Traditions

Since Christmas is right around the corner, I can feel that extra twinkle of excitement in my life. Being that I was blessed with this overactive sense of daydreaming, every holiday {Ok mostly everyday} my thoughts are consumed with the idea of my pending family. Yesterday I was talking to a friend and the idea of having traditions came up. So I sat down and thought what are some traditions I hope to have with my future family and here they are:

I love Christmas. As cliche as it sounds I love the giving of the holiday, I always have. It is also seemingly the largest holiday for traditions so here are some ideas: 
  1. Matching Pjs
  2. Making Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve
  3. Elf on the Shelf 
  4. Day of Random Acts of Kindness 
  5. Watch Christmas Movies once a week
  6.  Open one gift on Christmas Eve 
  7. Have Cake on Christmas to celebrate Jesus' Birthday 
  8. Read the True Christmas Story on Christmas Eve 
  9. Christmas Eve Box
    • Ok this goes basically with 1 and 6. On Christmas Eve the gift they get contains their Christmas Pjs, Popcorn {For the Christmas Movie}, hot chocolate and various other small things 
  10. Polar Express Night 
    • After we watch Polar Express, sending the kids to bed early, just to wake them up and go look at lights with hot chocolate :)
  11. Making Christmas Decorations
  12. Allowing Kids to buy gifts for family members 
  13. Family Photos/ Christmas Cards  
  14. First snow {If I get snow} snowcream or milkshakes 
  15. Christmas All Year Around: I saw this on another blog where instead of giving gifts to your spouse on one day, you give them like vouchers to use throughout the year such as date nights, tickets to various events, basically anything you can do just the two of you.  
Valentines Day 
So I was totally once into John and Kate Plus 8. Kate always seemed to make cute little memories with the kids on holidays. One was on Valentines Day was filling pouches for the kids with goodies on that day. I just thought it was a cute little tradition and a sweet way to incoporate the children into some aspects of Valentines Day :) 

Alright, so technically birthdays aren't considered holidays. However I love other people's birthdays. I love giving gifts and just celebrating the life God has placed on this Earth. My grandmother was the queen of all traditions when it came us grandkids and she did a few on my list but I've added some too :) 
  1. Giving the Kid the number of presents of their age (I.e turning 8, 8 gifts. On their 1st birthday giving them 12 for each month they were alive) 
  2. Birthday Breakfast 
  3. The house decorated regardless of having a party or not 
  4. Child's favorite meal for dinner
  5. Yes Day(I saw this on a Pinterest board, where on the Child's birthday every time they ask for something with in reason you say yes; i.e can we go to the movies->yes, can we eat dessert before dinner -> yes. 
Family Time 
         Traditions aren't just for holidays. I was very blessed with a great, close family even if we didn't have traditions. I love the idea though of coming together as a family and just familying (yes, I created that word. Judge me if you want) Here are some of my ideas of family time traditions 
  1. Date Nights: I use to love going on date nights with my daddy. Him and I would get all dressed up, he would take me to dinner and then possibly a movie. I have also seen on Pinterest where moms and sons go on date nights, the father will get the son ready and teach him how to be chivalrous. Both father/daughter and mother/son date nights gives the opportunity for the child to learn how to be treated and how to treat others so when that time comes for dating they have been well prepared.  On the flip side, I feel it is important for mom and dad to also have date nights, whether it be going out to dinner or sending the kids out and having a night in. In my many {And I do me many} article I have read on marriage {Yes, I do believe marriage can't be based off just an article} one of the key components is keep that flame, so to speak, alive amongst mom and dad. Kids need to see their parents in love.  
  2. Game Nights: I can really understand why my family hardly ever did this. Both my brother, dad and I are extremely competitive. The game never ended the way it should have, it usually ended when Sawyer cried. However with that being said I think it would be a blast to have game nights one a month or so.
  3. Movie Nights: I always love watching movies with my family, it's a nice time to just sit and be together.
  4. Family Kickball or any other team sport: Though we didn't have board game nights in my house, many times we did play extreme kickball. It was a blast to team up and play. I'd love to continue those traditions onward.
  5. Dinner Time: Whenever the schedules meet up, my family has dinner time together. We shut out the world and are just together at the table. This my favorite time with my family to just sit and laugh and joke. 
  6. Dancing to our First song: Like I said before, children need to see their parents in love. I was very blessed with the OBVIOUS love my parents have for each other. When I asked my facebook friends, my friend Meagan told me her and her husband dance every year on their anniversary to the song they danced their first dance to. I think that is absolutely precious.  
I know it is probably a few years off before I can create these traditions with my own family but it still excites me to think about it. What are some of your family traditions? 

 -Amanda :)   

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Top 10 Things Girls Shouldn't Do: Relationship

By no means am I an expert on relationships. In fact if we are going off experience then maybe you should stop reading now. I; however, have watched many friends in relationships. I also have studied up on Christian relationships. I am that annoying friend that always gives unwarranted relationship advice and since I am pretty sure they are tired of hearing it, here is some of the top 10 things girls shouldn't do when getting into a relationship or while in a relationship.

1. Force Him to Move On
If he's still hung up on an ex, don't sit there and try to make him forget her so easily. He'll get over her eventually and if he doesn't then let him be. One has to go through the process of moving on [Some do this faster than others] and there ain't anything anyone can do to change that. 

2. Search for a Savior
I don't know how to stress this more but that boy will not save you. The movies are wrong. There's a man who did this 2,000 years ago for you and HE did that far more better than any evil man that walks this Earth. That man was Jesus. 

3.Try to Save Him
We've all had those boys in our life who fall into the wounded puppy category. As women our need to comfort and nurse them back to health is overwhelming. Usually though we try and try and still are the ones that get hurt. Just like with the ex, the boy has to fight his own demons and battles that rage inside him. A man also died for him and is willing to save him just as HE saved you. Again in case you weren't aware "HIM" is Jesus. 

4.  Be unequally Yoked

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?  

I know some women {My mom being one of them} who got their husband to go to church. HOWEVER! When getting into a relationship with a man who is not strong in his walk leads to several bad situations 1. He won't be able to lead you 2. He is more likely to compromise 3. You are more willing to compromise. If a boy is perusing you who isn't strong in his walk with Christ, be friends with him. The same however also goes for you. If you are single now work on your relationship with Christ, don't wait till you are in a relationship to fix that. 

5. Trade sex for love 
Yes one of the many functions we have is for sexual purposes. Sex though isn't love. Love isn't sex. So don't trade sex to get him to love. It only ends in hurt, trust me. 

6. Hold past sins against Him
If a boy is willing to share with you his past, don't hold it against him. Chances are those past sins made him who he is today, the man you are attracted to. We all have a past that is shameful for us and if someone is willing to put themselves in a vulnerable position to tell you that, don't be a jerk and hold it over their head. 

7. Disrespect Him
God created men to be the head of the household and the leader in your relationship. God has programed them to do so, so when you disrespect your man especially to others, this is especially hurtful. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means telling you to be a doormat. If he is doing something that you don't agree with tell him respectfully, don't call him out in front of his friends. Don't bad mouth him to your friends either. Be classy.

8. Bad Mouth Your X
Bad mouthing your ex is either trashy, means you aren't over him or both. At some point that boy you are bad mouthing you had genuine feeling about. If you sit there and bash him then the boy you are either in a relationship with or seeking a relationship with sees that you're probably not over him or that when you two break up you're going to do the same thing. Follow the rule, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Now I know, there's that ex who cheated on you with the whole cheerleading squad and is a major jerk, but there's a way at presenting the truth that isn't trashy. 

9. Be Someone Differnt 
When I was a Junior my mom use to tell me when I padded down the stairs in sweat pants and a t-shirt with my hair flopped on top of my head that the boy I had a crush on wouldn't like me. My excuse for my laziness was 'If he doesn't like me in sweats then he won't love me'. However when I sought after boys I'd always change myself. Now I just figure if he doesn't like me before we are dating for who I am, then if we get married he's gonna wake up and realize I am not who he thought I was. So be you, be the quirky beautiful you that God created you to be because God also created someone who is going to love you for those quirks. 

10. Lower Standards 
By lowering your standards I mean don't date someone just because you are feeling lonely. Figure out what's important to you {Mine are: A godly leader, someone who can make me laugh, someone who respects me and a family man} and stick to them. Outside of those, sure I have a physical type and some things that draw me to a man, but then again I also don't know the man I am going to marry and he may not fit the physical mold I have set out. But I won't date a serious-anti children- disrespectful atheist because that would be lowering my standards. Wait on God, he'll fill that loneliness way better than some Joe Blow you find off the street. 

-Amanda :)